Picture by Tarek Moukadem

Image by Tarek Moukadem

Odd Inside is an expression of the perplexing blend of contradictory emotions that we get each time we visit Beirut as expats. Hatred, affection, guilt, longing, anger, joy, frustration, solace, unease, optimism, and despair all coexist within us, intertwining into one big odd feeling.

It's a profound sense of belonging, yet simultaneously being pushed into an uncomfortable corner, stumbling on the edge of a precipice.

Odd Inside embodies that very sensation, an expression of overwhelming emotions that occupy a lot of space within us, seeping out like a sense of betrayal as we try to maintain composure.

With its smooth light, warm hues, and striking curves, this table lamp demands to be placed exclusively along the sharp edge of a surface.

Material: resin.
Artisan: Nohad Al Daher

This piece was commissioned by Almaz Collectible Design in collaboration with The Ready Hand to be sold at auction during the LIFE Global Gala Dinner 2023 to raise funds for the LIFE Education Program.